

日本國立癌症中心(National cancer center)中央病院研修
日本自治醫大(Jichi medical school)研修


臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區 院聘消化內科主任
臺北市立聯合醫院 院聘超音波室主任
臺北市立仁愛醫院 消化內科主治醫師
臺北市立仁愛醫院 內科住院醫師, 資深住院醫師


1. Kuan-Yang Chen, Percutaneous Radio-Frequency Ablation of Liver Malignancies- The Experience of Taipei Municipal Jen-Ai Hospital .Taipei City Med. J. 2004;1(2): 245-248
2. Kuan-Yang Chen, Retroperitoneal liposarcoma : report of a case . Gastroenterol J. Taiwan 2005; Vol. 22, No. 2,136-144
3. Chaur-Shine Wang, Kuan-Yang Chen, Usefulness of serum des-γ-carboxy prothrombin in detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Oct. , Vol. 11 No. 39. 6115-6119 (SCI, IF: 2.547)
4. Kuan-Yang Chen, Cardiac Autonomic Dysregulation in Patients with Acute Hepatitis. Am J Med Sci 2006; 332(4):164–167. (SCI. IF: 1.391)
5. Horng-Yuan Lou, Herng-Ching Lin, and Kuan-Yang Chen, Hospital Case Volume and Clinicl Outcomes for Peptic Ulcer Treatment Jounal of General Internal Medicine; 2008 Oct. Vol. 23; No. 10: 1693-1697. (SCI. IF:3.217)
6. Kuan-Yang Chen, Seasonal Variation in the Incidence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 2009. Dec. Volume 338, Number 6, 453-458 (SCI. IF: 1.391)
7. Ting-Chang Huang, Kuan-Yang Chen, Herpes Simplex Virus Esophagitis (HSVE) in A Healthy Patient: Report of a Case , Gastroenterol J. Taiwan. 2010, Dec. Volume 27,Number 4, 449-452 (Correspondence)
8. Yi-Hua Chen, Kuan-Yang Chen and Herng-Ching Lin Non-alcoholic cirrhosis and the risk of stroke: a 5-year follow-up study. Liver International. 2011, Mar; 31(3)354-60 (SCI. IF: 3.87)
9. Hung-Sheng Chen, Kuan-Yang Chen Obstructive jaundice caused by polycystic liver disease : report of a case, Gastroenterol J. Taiwan. 2010, Dec. Volume 27,Number 4, 449-452 (Correspondence)
10. Chih-Lin Lin, M.D.,M.S., Kuan-Yang Chen, M.D., M.S., Chung-Kwe Wang, M.D., Risk factor of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients hospitalized in a chronic ward. 北市醫誌. 2013, Jan. Vol. 10. No. 1, 1-9
11. Hsi-Chang Lee, Kuan-Yang Chen, Performance of Routine Helicobacter pylori Invasive Tests in Patients with Dyspepsia, Gastroenterology Research and Practice. Volume 2013, (SCI. IF:1.615) (Correspondence)
12. Hsin-Wei Chiu;Kuan-Yang Chen;Chung-Kwe Wang, et al, Clinical Features of Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer . 北市醫學雜誌;10 卷 4 期 (2013 / 12 / 30),P309 - 316
13. Chih-Lin Lin, Kuan-Yang Chen, Li-ying Liao, Chung-Kwe Wang, et al, Risk factor for 1-year mortality in patients with intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma treated solely with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. Advances in digestive medicine (2014) 1, 126-131